Monday, May 14, 2007

First Day in Oregon

Three hours before leaving Yakima, Washington, I received a call from a one Cameron Craig. A friend of the ever famous Krue Brock, he offered me a roof to cover my head. The Lord works, and sometimes pulls through on the clutch at the last moment. I arrived at the Craigs last night around 7:30. They have two boys, Callum (age 5) and Daniel (age 3) and they live just outside of Bend. They have a mini mule and twenty cattle in the pastures outside of their beautiful farm house. From the front porch, the Cascade mountain range can be seen looming in the near distance. It is beautiful, espeically since i am not viewing them from my tent. This morning i woke up at 4:30a.m. to help Cameron in launching three hot air balloons, because apparently thats normal around here. Because I dont have a camera at the moment, the paint file above will give you an idea of what this morning looked like. I wasnt able to ride in them due to my long hair (or something) but it was fun putting them altogether. I go to Crystal Peaks this afternoon for the first time...They dont know what they are in for. More on that later.


Laura Neal said...

How is it that you were the one supposed to live in a tent all summer and I am the one "homeless"? I am glad it worked out for you. I knew you would find a roof.

the rogers said...

Great to hear from you!God's timing is AWESOME! Praying for you.

Kendi said...

Well it sounds like your having fun! I talked to your dad tonight and that is awesome about the boys you got to hang out with on Monday. When you get back you are totally takin' me in a balloon, just like the picture! I am prayin' for ya and hope you are doing well!


Oh and this could possibly make your day...or atleast make you smile! I picked out clothes today for our favorite future covenant freshman from FL. let's just say I went with a slightly more "manly" style. I'm not sure if it will fly. He's your new roomate though so maybe you can have more of a say on his life then me his "girlfriend!" (BARF!)